2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996
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1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980
Journal paper
- Khairul Munadi, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Codeblock-Based Error Concealment for JPEG2000 Coded Image Transmission over RTP,"
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals,
vol.E90-A, no.2, pp.429--438, February, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish] [Local] - Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Shoko IMAIZUMI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Encryption of Composite Multimedia Contents for Access Control,"
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals,
vol.E90-A, no.3, pp.590--596, March, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish] [Local] - Hong Lin JIN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Lossless Data Hiding in the Spatial Domain for High Quality Images,"
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals,
vol.E90-A, no.4, pp.771--777, April, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish] [Local] - Izumi ITO, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Relationship between Signs of DCT Coefficients and Phase-Only Correlation,"
IEICE Trans.,
vol.J90-A, no.7, pp.567--577, July, 2007.
[webpage] [Publish] [Local] - Fitri Arnia, Ikue IIZUKA, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"DCT Sign-Based Similarity Measure for JPEG Image Retrieval,"
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals,
vol.E90-A, no.9, pp.1976--1985, September, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish] [Local]
International conference
- Izumi ITO, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Modified Phase-Only Correlation Using the Sign of DCT Coefficients with Application to Image Matching,"
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology,
no.P3-14, pp.308--313, 8th January, 2007.
- Mirei KIHARA, Qing Tao WAN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"An Image Tamper Detection Using Mathematical Morphology and Its Application,"
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology,
no.P3-16, pp.318--323, 8th January, 2007.
- Khairul Munadi, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA, Hitoshi KIYA,
"QoS Estimation Based on PSNR for Motion JPEG2000 Video in Lossy Packet Networks,"
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology,
no.P2-04, pp.511--516, 8th January, 2007.
- Osamu WATANABE, Akio KAWANA, Hitoshi KIYA,
"An Identification Method for JPEG 2000 Images Using the Signs of DWT Coefficients,"
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology,
no.P3-43, pp.846--850, 9th January, 2007.
- Izumi ITO, Hitoshi KIYA,
"DCT Sign-Only Correlation with Application to Image Matching and the Relationship with Phase-Only Correlation,"
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
vol.I, no.IMDSP-P15.1, pp.1237--1240, 20th April, 2007.
- Seungwu HAN, Hong Lin JIN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Image Authentication Based on Invertible Data Hiding with Multi-Tiers,"
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications,
vol.1, no.MG2-3, pp.143--144, 9th July, 2007.
- Hong Lin JIN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Improvement in the Image Quality and the Capacity of the Reversible Data Hiding,"
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications,
vol.1, no.MF2-7, pp.135--136, 9th July, 2007.
- Fitri Arnia, Ikue IIZUKA, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Fast Method for Joint Retrieval and Identification of JPEG Coded Images Based on DCT Sign,"
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
vol.II, no.MP-P1.10, pp.229--232, 17th September, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish] - Shoko IMAIZUMI, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Yoshito ABE, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Collusion Attack-Resilient Hierarchical Encryption of JPEG 2000 Codestreams with Scalable Access Control,"
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
vol.II, no.MP-L5.3, pp.137--140, 17th September, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish] - Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Shuji SATO, Hong Lin JIN, Hitoshi KIYA,
"A Location-Map Free Reversible Data Hiding Method Using Block-Based Single Parameter,"
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
vol.III, no.TA-P2.5, pp.257--260, 18th September, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish] - Keijiro KUROIWA, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Codestream Domain Scrambling of Moving Objects Based on DCT Sign-Only Correlation for Motion JPEG Movies,"
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
vol.V, no.WA-L5.8, pp.157--160, 19th September, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish] [Local] - Mirei KIHARA, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Qing Tao WAN, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Image Tamper Detection Using Mathematical Morphology,"
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
vol.VI, no.WP-L4.2, pp.101--104, 19th September, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish] - Fitri Arnia, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"The Use of DCT Coefficient Sign for Content-Based Copy Detection,"
IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies,
no.F5B-6, pp.1476--1481, 19th October, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish]
Domestic conference
- Izumi ITO, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Modified Phase-Only Correlation Using the Sign of DCT Coefficients with Application to Image Matching,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.106, no.448, no.IE2006-168, pp.163--168, 8th January, 2007.
- Mirei KIHARA, Qing Tao WAN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"An Image Tamper Detection Using Mathematical Morphology and Its Application,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.106, no.448, no.IE2006-169, pp.169--174, 8th January, 2007.
- Khairul Munadi, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA, Hitoshi KIYA,
"QoS Estimation Based on PSNR for Motion JPEG2000 Video in Lossy Packet Networks,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.106, no.448, no.IE2006-181, pp.231--236, 8th January, 2007.
- Osamu WATANABE, Akio KAWANA, Hitoshi KIYA,
"An Identification Method for JPEG 2000 Images Using the Signs of DWT Coefficients,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.106, no.449, no.IE2006-217, pp.177--181, 9th January, 2007.
- Izumi ITO, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Image Matching Using 1-D DCT Sign Only Correlation,"
ITE Technical Report,
vol.31, no.10, no.ME2007-26, pp.141--146, 22th February, 2007.
- Eisuke JINDO, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Estimation of Affine Parameters by Watermarking Method Using Multidimensional Watermark,"
ITE Technical Report,
vol.31, no.14, no.ME2007-57, pp.25--28, 24th February, 2007.
- Kohei YAMADA, Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA,
"Low Bit Error Rate Data Transmission through Acoustic Channel Using Data Hiding Technique,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.106, no.570, no.SIP2006-206, pp.59--62, 6th March, 2007.
- Hitoshi KIYA,
JPSE Workshop on Dynamic Image Processing for Real Application,
8th March, 2007.
- Qing Tao WAN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"An Image Tamper Detection Method Using Mathematical Morphology with Keeping the Details of the Image,"
General Conference of IEICE,
no.AS-4-6, 21th March, 2007.
- Hong Lin JIN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Improvement of the Lossless Data Embedding on the Capacity and the Image Quality,"
General Conference of IEICE,
no.A-4-29, 21th March, 2007.
- Izumi ITO, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Effect of Occulusion on DCT Sign-Only Correlation,"
General Conference of IEICE,
no.A-4-42, 22th March, 2007.
- Tomonori IIDA, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Partial-Scrambling of JPEG 2000 Coded Images that Enables Flexible Image Quality Control without Generating Marker Codes,"
General Conference of IEICE,
no.A-4-41, 22th March, 2007.
- Hong Lin JIN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Statistical Lossless Data Embedding Independent of the Statistics of an Original Image,"
IEICE Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa,
no.Bd2-4-1, pp.637--642, 24th April, 2007.
- Qing Tao WAN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Image Tamper Detection Based on Multiple Mathematical Morphology Operations,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.107, no.22, no.SIP2007-9, pp.49--54, 26th April, 2007.
[webpage] [Publish] - Seungwu HAN, Hong Lin JIN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Image Tamper Detection Based on Multi-Tier Marks Using Invertible Data Hiding,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.107, no.22, no.SIP2007-10, pp.55--60, 26th April, 2007.
[webpage] [Publish] - Tomohiro KOSHIYAMA, Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Estimation Method of Sampling Rate Conversion Ratio of Audio Signals Using Phase-Only Correlation,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.107, no.64, no.SIP2007-20, pp.55--60, 24th May, 2007.
- Izumi ITO, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Signs of DCT Coefficients as Feature Index of Images and Its Evaluation ,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.107, no.1, no.SIP2007-35, pp.25--30, 21th June, 2007.
- Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"A Luminance Gradient-Based Adaptive Image Interpolation Method Using Multi-Dimensionally Extended Interpolation Kernel,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.107, no.1, no.SIP2007-39, pp.49--54, 21th June, 2007.
- Tomonori IIDA, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Partial-Scrambling in Bitstream Level without Generating Marker Codes for JPEG 2000 Coded Images,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.107, no.181, no.SIP2007-76, pp.25--30, 7th August, 2007.
[webpage] [Publish] - Ryo HOSAKA, Seungwu HAN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"On Applying Cipher to the Lossless Image Tamper Detection Method,"
Technical Report of IEICE,
vol.107, no.181, no.SIP2007-77, pp.31--36, 7th August, 2007.
[webpage] [Publish] - Seungwu HAN, Hong Lin JIN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Applying Cipher to the Reversible Image Authentication,"
Society Conference of IEICE,
vol.ESS, no.A-4-2, pp.63--63, 12th September, 2007.
- Izumi ITO, Hitoshi KIYA,
"DCT Sign Correlation and Its Application to Contents Fingerprint (CoFIP),"
Society Conference of IEICE,
vol.ESS, no.A-4-3, pp.64--64, 12th September, 2007.
- Ryousuke SHIBATA, Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA, Hitoshi KIYA,
"A Structure of Adaptive Filter for Fast Tracking Performance Using Two Adaptive Algorithms,"
Society Conference of IEICE,
vol.ESS, no.A-4-34, pp.95--95, 13th September, 2007.
- Tomohiro KOSHIYAMA, Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA, Hitoshi KIYA,
"On Selection of Log-Base for Estimation Method of Sampling Rate Conversion Ratio of Audio Signals Based on Phase-Only Correlation,"
Society Conference of IEICE,
vol.ESS, no.A-4-50, pp.111--111, 14th September, 2007.
- Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Adaptive Zero-Order Interpolation Based on Luminance Gradient and Distance between Input and Output Signals,"
Society Conference of IEICE,
vol.ESS, no.A-4-51, pp.112--112, 14th September, 2007.
- Izumi ITO, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Proposal of Method of Contents Fingerprint (CoFIP) Based on Signs of DCT Coefficients,"
IEICE Image Media Processing Symposium,
no.I2-15, 1st November, 2007.
- Shoko IMAIZUMI, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Hierarchical Encryption with Short Key Length for JPEG 2000 Coded Images,"
IEICE Signal Processing Symposium,
no.P2-1, pp.660--665, 7th November, 2007.
- Izumi ITO, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Collision Controlled Hash Function Based on DCT Signs,"
IEICE Signal Processing Symposium,
no.P2-10, pp.711--716, 7th November, 2007.
- Mirei KIHARA, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"An Image Tamper Detection Using Mathematical Morphology with Compression Tolerance,"
IEICE Signal Processing Symposium,
no.C4-1, pp.436--441, 8th November, 2007.
- Seungwu HAN, Hong Lin JIN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"Efficient Hierarchical Authentication with the Reversible Data Hiding,"
IEICE Signal Processing Symposium,
no.A4-4, pp.83--88, 8th November, 2007.
- Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA, Hitoshi KIYA,
"RLS Algorithm with Periodical Re-Initialization for Improving Tracking Performance,"
IEICE Signal Processing Symposium,
no.C5-3, pp.472--477, 8th November, 2007.
- Hong Lin JIN, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Yusuke SEKI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"A Data Hiding Method for JPEG 2000 Coded Images Using Modulo Arithmetic,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part III,
vol.90, no.7, pp.37--46, 1st July, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish] - Yusuke SEKI, Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI, Masaaki FUJIYOSHI, Hitoshi KIYA,
"A Data Hiding Method without Specifying Embedded Positions for JPEG Image,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part III,
vol.90, no.11, pp.21--30, 1st November, 2007.
[DOI] [webpage] [Publish]