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Journal paper
  1. Hitoshi HONMA, Yukio MORI, Masahiko SAGAWA,
    "A Stability Criterion for Hurwitz Polynomials with Perturbed Coefficients,"
    IECE Trans.,
    vol.J69-A, no.2, pp.304--306, February, 1986.
    [webpage] [Local]
  2. Hitoshi HONMA, Yukio MORI, Masahiko SAGAWA,
    "Relation between Effects of Coefficient Quantization and Zero Locations in FIR Digital Filters,"
    IECE Trans.,
    vol.J69-A, no.11, pp.1376--1384, November, 1986.
    [webpage] [Local]
International conference
    Domestic conference
    1. Hitoshi KIYA, Yukio MORI, Masahiko SAGAWA,
      National Conference of IECE,
      no.54, 1st March, 1986.
    2. Hitoshi KIYA, Yukio MORI, Masahiko SAGAWA,
      "Relation between quantization effects and zero locations in FIR digital filters,"
      Technical Report of IECE,
      no.CAS86-8, 1st May, 1986.
    3. Hitoshi KIYA, Yukio MORI, Masahiko SAGAWA,
      "Realization of low sensitivity FIR filters using cascade form,"
      Technical Report of IECE,
      no.CAS86-69, 1st July, 1986.
    4. Hitoshi KIYA, Masakazu YAMADA, Masahiko SAGAWA,
      "A design of FIR digital filters using interpolated equalizers,"
      Technical Report of IECE,
      no.CAS86-124, 1st November, 1986.
    1. Hitoshi KIYA, Kouichi ITOH, Masahiko SAGAWA,
      "A Computing Method for Obtaining Derivatives of Denominator and Numerator of Network Functions with Respect to Elements and Sensitivity Analysis,"
      Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part I,
      vol.69, no.10, pp.1--10, 1st October, 1986.